Home > On PM Motor > Why are Permanent Magnet Variable Frequency Air Compressors More Efficient than Traditional Screw Air Compressors?

Why are Permanent Magnet Variable Frequency Air Compressors More Efficient than Traditional Screw Air Compressors?

2024-01-25 11:52:17


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When we consider an air compressor, a key issue is its energy efficiency. Air compressors are one of the most common energy consuming devices in industrial applications. It is estimated that air compressors account for 10-15% of all energy consumption in industry. Therefore, choosing an air compressor with high energy efficiency is crucial for businesses.

Permanent magnet variable frequency air compressors and traditional screw air compressors are two widely used types of air compressors. Although they both fulfil the same function, their design and working principles are very different. We will analyse the energy efficiency performance of permanent magnet variable frequency air compressors and screw air compressors and explain why permanent magnet variable frequency air compressors are more efficient than screw air compressors.

Principles and features of traditional screw air compressor

Screw air compressor is a common and widely used type of air compressor in industry. It is based on the principle of movement between two rotating screws to achieve compression of gas. The master and slave screws engage with each other and as they rotate, the gas is gradually squeezed and discharged.

Screw air compressors are suitable for a variety of industrial applications, including manufacturing, construction, and automotive industries. They can provide stable gas pressure and flow rate to meet the needs of different fields. Compared to other types of air compressors, screw air compressors have a relatively simple mechanical structure. This makes their maintenance and repair relatively easy.

However, screw air compressors have their drawbacks that cannot be ignored. Screw compressors usually operate at a fixed speed and power output. This means that they cannot be adjusted to the gas demand, resulting in wasted energy as they continue to run at maximum power during low loads or downtime. Due to their fixed operating characteristics, screw compressors are more suitable for continuous operation under stable loads. For fluctuating gas demand or frequent load changes, screw compressors may have a lower energy efficiency performance.


Principle and characteristics of permanent magnet variable frequency air compressor

Permanent magnet variable frequency air compressor is an advanced type of air compressor. It adopts advanced motor design and control system: introducing energy-saving permanent magnet motor into the air compressor. Permanent magnet variable frequency air compressor is an efficient, energy-saving and reliable type of air compressor.

The permanent magnet variable frequency air compressor adopts variable frequency drive technology, which can adjust the operating speed and power output according to the gas demand. By precisely controlling the rotational speed of the motor, the permanent magnet variable frequency air compressor can achieve on-demand supply and avoid energy waste. Compared with traditional fixed-speed air compressors, permanent magnet variable frequency air compressors have higher energy efficiency. As the operating speed can be adjusted according to the load demand, it can automatically reduce power consumption during low load or shutdown to save energy. Depending on the actual situation, the energy efficiency of permanent magnet variable frequency air compressors is usually more than 20% higher than screw air compressors.

Permanent magnet variable frequency compressors minimize energy waste by monitoring load demand in real time and automatically adjusting operating speed. This energy saving not only reduces the operating cost of enterprises, but also reduces the negative impact on the environment. And compared to conventional compressors, permanent magnet variable speed compressors typically have lower noise levels. Reducing noise is essential to improving the comfort and safety of the working environment.

Permanent magnet variable frequency compressors can also adjust in real time to the gas demand, providing a stable gas pressure and flow rate. Precise control of the motor helps improve productivity and meet specific process requirements. They are equipped with advanced self-diagnostic functions and fault warning systems that can detect and solve potential problems in a timely manner, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.

Enneng permanent magnet variable frequency motor for air compressor

In order to reduce the energy costs of air compressors, we are now introducing energy efficient permanent magnet motors in our inverter models. This can significantly reduce energy consumption, thus saving more energy and money.

Enneng permanent magnet motors are made with a temperature rise of less than 60K, ensuring that the compressor has a longer lifespan. The motors are made from rare-earth permanent magnet material, which requires a low current due to its high magnetic strength and load torque during motor start-up and operation. The motor is used in combination with a permanent magnet rotor to achieve a soft start and power savings of up to 50 percent. Compared to asynchronous motors of the same size, the motor efficiency is 10-15 % higher, which avoids the strong mechanical shock to the compressor during full-voltage starting of the motor and ensures a longer service life.

For professional advice on compressor cases, please contact us. Our engineers are at your service on a case-by-case basis. Enneng permanent magnet motors can easily replace traditional three-phase asynchronous motors, providing you with higher efficiency and intelligence.



Permanent magnet variable frequency air compressor has obvious advantages over traditional screw air compressor in terms of energy saving performance. It utilizes a permanent magnet motor, which has a stronger adjustment capability. The permanent magnet variable frequency air compressor is able to adjust the operating speed and power output according to the actual load demand, realizing on-demand supply. In application situations that require high energy efficiency and energy saving, the permanent magnet variable frequency air compressor is a more ideal choice. Its superior energy-saving performance and intelligent control function enable it to better meet the actual load demand, improve energy utilization efficiency and reduce energy waste. Therefore, the promotion and application of permanent magnet variable frequency air compressors can help achieve the goals of energy saving and sustainable development.