Home > On PM Motor > What are the Effects of the Shape and Tolerance of Permanent Magnet Motor Magnets on Motor Performance?

What are the Effects of the Shape and Tolerance of Permanent Magnet Motor Magnets on Motor Performance?

2023-12-06 17:46:26


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Why so many people choose to use permanent magnet motors now is precisely because of its energy saving, which can reach about 20%. Today I will explain the influence of the geometry and tolerance of permanent magnet motor magnets on the width of motor magnets.

Influence of Magnetic Steel Thickness

Fixed Magnetic Circuit Ring

Effect of Increased Thickness on Air Gap and Effective Magnetic Flux

When the thickness of the magnetic steel is increased in a fixed magnetic circuit ring, the air gap between the rotor and the stator decreases. For instance, if the thickness of the magnet is increased by 1 mm, the air gap might decrease by the same amount, leading to a proportional increase in the effective magnetic flux. This is because the reduced air gap allows for a stronger magnetic field to be maintained across it.

Impact on No-Load Speed and Current

With an increased effective magnetic flux, the no-load speed of the motor tends to decrease. For example, if the thickness increases by 10%, the no-load speed can decrease by approximately 5-7%, depending on the motor design. Simultaneously, the no-load current decreases as the motor requires less power to overcome internal losses, potentially reducing by 3-5%. This improved magnetic coupling results in a more efficient motor operation under no-load conditions.

Efficiency Improvements and Disadvantages

The increased thickness and resulting higher magnetic flux can improve the motor’s maximum efficiency by up to 2-3%. However, this benefit comes with trade-offs. The increased magnetic pull can lead to higher commutation vibrations, which may require additional damping mechanisms. Additionally, the efficiency curve of the motor becomes steeper, meaning that the motor operates optimally within a narrower range of speeds and loads. This can reduce the overall versatility of the motor in variable load applications.

Consistency in Thickness

Importance of Consistent Thickness to Reduce Vibration

Maintaining a consistent thickness in the magnetic steel is crucial for minimizing vibrations. Inconsistent thickness can lead to an uneven magnetic field distribution, causing mechanical imbalances and increased vibration. For example, a variance of just 0.1 mm in thickness can result in a 2-3% increase in vibration amplitude, which can adversely affect the motor’s performance and longevity. Ensuring uniform thickness helps in achieving smooth operation and prolonging the life of the motor.

For brushless motors, the cumulative gap between magnets must be tightly controlled.

Influence of Magnet Width

Brushless Motor Magnets

Effects of Cumulative Gap on Installation and Performanc

For brushless motors, the cumulative gap between magnets must be tightly controlled. A total gap exceeding 0.5 mm can prevent proper installation and alignment. If the gap is too small, installation becomes difficult due to the tight fit. Conversely, a gap that is too large can cause significant vibrations and reduce motor efficiency by up to 5-10%. This is because misalignment affects the Hall sensor’s ability to accurately detect the rotor position, leading to inefficient commutation and increased energy losses.

Relationship Between Magnet Position and Hall Element Accuracy

The Hall elements used to determine the rotor’s position rely on precise alignment with the magnets. A misalignment as small as 0.2 mm can lead to a timing error of several degrees, which in turn affects the motor’s efficiency and performance. Accurate positioning ensures that the motor runs smoothly and efficiently, reducing the risk of excessive wear and tear.

Brush Motors

Role of Gaps for Mechanical Commutation

In brush motors, gaps between magnets are intentionally included to facilitate mechanical commutation. These gaps serve as transition zones where the brushes can switch contacts without causing arcing or excessive wear. Typically, a gap of about 0.3-0.5 mm is maintained to balance efficient commutation and mechanical stability.

Importance of Strict Installation Procedures

Strict installation procedures are essential to ensure that magnets are placed accurately within the motor assembly. Deviations in magnet width or placement can lead to significant performance issues. For instance, an improperly installed magnet that is 0.2 mm off can cause a misalignment in the rotor, leading to increased vibration and a 3-5% reduction in efficiency.

Consequences of Improper Magnet Width

If the magnet width is too large, it can prevent proper installation, causing mechanical stress and potential damage to the motor. Conversely, if the width is too small, the magnet may shift during operation, leading to misalignment, increased vibration, and a significant drop in efficiency. Proper width ensures that magnets stay securely in place and function optimally.


Influence of Magnetic Steel Chamfering

Effects of Chamfering

Impact on Magnetic Field Change Rate and Vibration

Chamfering the edges of the magnetic steel reduces the rate of change of the magnetic field at the edges, which helps in minimizing pulse vibrations. For example, chamfering to a radius of 0.5 mm can reduce vibration amplitude by 2-4%, leading to smoother motor operation. However, insufficient chamfering can cause sharp transitions in the magnetic field, resulting in increased pulsations and noise.

Magnetic Flux Loss Due to Chamfering

Chamfering generally leads to a slight loss in magnetic flux. For instance, a chamfer size of 0.8 mm can cause a magnetic flux loss of approximately 0.5-1.5%. This loss must be balanced against the benefit of reduced vibration and smoother operation.

Chamfer Size Adjustment

Balancing Residual Magnetism and Pulsation

Adjusting the chamfer size can help balance residual magnetism and pulsation. For example, reducing the chamfer size slightly can increase the residual magnetism by 1-2%, which might be beneficial in low-residual magnetism conditions. However, this must be done carefully to avoid increasing the pulsation amplitude significantly.

Effect of Chamfer Size on Effective Magnetic Flux and Motor Performance

The chamfer size directly affects the effective magnetic flux. A larger chamfer reduces the flux slightly but helps in smoother operation, while a smaller chamfer retains more flux but can increase vibrations. Finding the optimal chamfer size, such as 0.5-0.7 mm, can help in maintaining a balance between high efficiency and low vibration, ensuring optimal motor performance.


Influence of Residual Magnetism

DC Motors

Relationship Between Residual Magnetism, No-Load Speed, and Current

Residual magnetism significantly impacts the no-load speed and current of DC motors. For example, a motor with higher residual magnetism might exhibit a no-load speed reduction of 5-10% due to the increased magnetic flux. This results in a lower no-load current, typically decreasing by 10-15% compared to motors with lower residual magnetism, as the motor experiences less electrical resistance at the given operating point.

Effect on Maximum Torque and Efficiency

Higher residual magnetism enhances the maximum torque a motor can produce. In specific scenarios, the torque can increase by up to 20% when the residual magnetism is optimized. This also improves the motor’s efficiency, with an increase of 5-10% at peak efficiency points. However, these improvements must be balanced against potential increases in vibration and noise.

Test Conditions and Standards

Use of No-Load Speed and Maximum Torque as Performance Indicators

No-load speed and maximum torque are critical indicators of motor performance. For instance, during testing, a DC motor with a no-load speed of 3000 RPM and a maximum torque of 1.5 Nm can be considered optimal for certain applications. Deviations from these benchmarks help identify variations in residual magnetism and overall motor health. These tests typically include measuring the motor’s response under controlled load conditions, ensuring that the performance metrics align with expected standards.

No-load speed and maximum torque are critical indicators of motor performance.

Influence of Coercivity

Temperature and Demagnetization

Impact of Coercivity on Magnet Thickness and Stability

Coercivity affects both the magnet’s resistance to demagnetization and its operational stability at elevated temperatures. A magnet with high coercivity, for instance, 1000 kA/m, can withstand higher temperatures without losing its magnetic properties. This allows for a thinner magnet design, reducing the motor’s overall weight and size. Conversely, magnets with lower coercivity might require a thickness increase of 10-20% to maintain stability and prevent demagnetization, especially in high-temperature environments.

Optimal Coercivity Levels

Recommendations for Balancing Coercivity and Resource Efficiency

Optimal coercivity levels should be selected based on operational requirements and cost considerations. For instance, in standard applications, a coercivity range of 800-1000 kA/m is often sufficient to ensure stability and performance. Using magnets with excessively high coercivity can be resource-intensive and unnecessary if the motor’s operational temperature remains within a moderate range. Thus, it is recommended to match coercivity levels to specific application needs to avoid excessive material costs and ensure efficient resource use.


Influence of Squareness

Efficiency Curve

Importance of the Flatness of the Motor Efficiency Curve

The flatness of the motor efficiency curve is a key factor in performance assessment. A flatter efficiency curve indicates consistent performance across a range of operating conditions. For example, a motor with an efficiency curve that maintains 85-90% efficiency across its speed range is preferable to one that peaks at 92% but drops to 75% at other speeds. This consistency is crucial for applications requiring reliable performance over variable loads and speeds.

Real-World Applications

Impact on Hub Motor Performance Under Varying Road Conditions

In real-world applications, especially for hub motors in electric vehicles, the efficiency curve’s flatness directly influences performance. On varied road conditions, such as inclines or uneven surfaces, a motor with a flatter efficiency curve will provide more reliable power and better energy use. For instance, a hub motor maintaining 85% efficiency on both flat and inclined surfaces will offer better overall range and performance than one whose efficiency significantly drops on inclines. This ensures a smoother ride and more predictable power consumption, essential for practical vehicle operation.

ENNENG offers a range of products that are designed to optimize the performance of Permanent Magnet Motors by considering the effects of the shape and tolerance of the motor magnets.

The shape and tolerance of the permanent magnet motor magnets play a crucial role in determining the motor’s overall performance. ENNENG understands this and has developed specialized products to address these factors.

ENNENG’s permanent magnet motor magnets are carefully designed and manufactured to ensure precise shape and tight tolerances. This attention to detail results in improved motor performance, including enhanced efficiency, reduced energy consumption, and increased power output.

By utilizing advanced manufacturing techniques and high-quality materials, ENNENG’s motor magnets maintain consistent shape and dimensions, minimizing any variations that could negatively impact motor performance. This precision in magnet shape and tolerance contributes to smoother operation, reduced vibration, and improved overall reliability.

Furthermore, ENNENG’s products offer customization options for magnet shape and tolerance to meet specific customer requirements. This flexibility allows customers to optimize their motor performance based on their unique application needs.

In summary, ENNENG’s products focus on the effects of the shape and tolerance of permanent magnet motor magnets on motor performance. By ensuring precise shape and tight tolerances, these products enhance motor efficiency, reduce energy consumption, and improve overall reliability. With customization options available, customers can tailor the magnets to their specific requirements, further optimizing motor performance.